
Smiles 4 Seniors Foundation is dedicated to the loving memory of our moms Joyce Serianni and Catherine Spritzer May your giving legacy continue to bless countless souls

 What we do

Smiles 4 Seniors is a non-profit organization committed to enhancing the lives of low-income seniors by offering assistance for essential needs crucial to their survival. Our organization aims to alleviate the burdens faced by vulnerable seniors, ensuring they can maintain a decent quality of life even on limited fixed incomes. For the past 17 years Smiles for Seniors proudly operates a comprehensive program that addresses the pressing needs of low-income seniors, including financial assistance for basic necessities needed to survive such as food, housing, utility assistance, minor home and auto repairs, lifesaving medications and medical equipment along with providing valuable resource and referrals for our vulnerable low income seniors in need. Each year, our program extends emergency assistance and safety net services to hundreds of struggling seniors who have nowhere to else to turn when basic necessities and everyday emergency situations arise and do not align within their fixed income budget. We also work closely with various government and non-government agencies, law enforcement, social workers, senior centers and others in collaboration for the good of our seniors.

Our Programs and Services

HEALTH.  We provide emergency funding for Co-pays, not covered by Medi-Cal/Medi-Care or private insurance. Our program has assisted low income seniors with lifesaving medications and medical supplies, Cochlear implants, hearing aids, glasses and eye exams, dental procedures, prosthetic limbs, cancer treatments, nutritional supplements, diabetes supplies, incontinence supplies, oxygen and blood pressure monitors, just to name a few. We are often the last resort for seniors who cannot afford to pay their co-pays or who have no means to get the lifesaving medications or medical equipment their doctors have prescribed.

FOOD, We provide grocery store gift cards that our seniors can use to get fresh meat, vegetables and dairy products. These items are not usually provided by church, missions or food pantries.  We also hold free food drives and deliver food and meals to home bound seniors along with providing valuable resources to local food programs We are very proud of the fact that during the pandemic, Smiles for Seniors was able to provide hundreds of low-income seniors with food boxes at a time in our history when the grocery store shelves were bare, and no food was to be found anywhere because of the hoarding and shipping related issues. In the first days of the Pandemic the Federal and State food/feeding programs had not yet been rolled out, however, Smiles for Seniors and volunteers were able to procure pack and deliver food to the seniors in the community. Nothing stopped us. We had an army of volunteers, and we went to restaurant supply stores from here to L.A. and loaded up many rented and donated trucks and vans with much needed food, Toilet paper, hygiene and PPE supplies for our vulnerable senior citizens.

HOUSING, Smiles for Seniors ensures housing stability by supporting seniors in maintaining safe and affordable housing through rental assistance, deposits and home repair services. We are proud of the fact that we have helped place many homeless seniors into affordable housing and off of the streets.

UTILITY ASSISTANCE, Smiles for seniors provides emergency assistance for those who are having difficulty paying their utility bills.  We have close relationships with many utility companies who refer to our agency and we are often able to get fees and late charges waived or reduced. We are also one of the only agencies providing financial assistance for water bills in the Inland Empire.

HOME REPAIRS, Smiles for Seniors provides financial assistance with handicap accessibility equipment, ramps, grab bars, specialty medical equipment and minor home repairs that are needed to ensure the safety of our clients and utilize measures that allow them to remain in their own homes as long as possible.

ADVOCACY AND INCLUSION, Smiles for Seniors Collaborates with government and non-government agencies, law enforcement, social workers, and senior centers to create a comprehensive network of support and has becomes the voice for those who can not or are not able to speak for themselves. We work closely with various groups for the betterment of our seniors in need, and we have a vast network of agencies and non profits that we collaborate with to provide referrals for our seniors.

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, We provide our senior clients access to valuable programs that offer financial stability and guidance in monetary matters and provide access to social services.

“I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”

Stephen Grellet

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